The DSF CFC number is: 96262

The 2023 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) kicked off September 1 and runs through January 15, 2024. More than $10K was pledged to DSF during the 2022 Campaign (we received payments from April 2023-March 2024).  Visit the CFCNCA (CFC Natl Capital Area) or the main CFC page for more info on how to make your Pledge.

One of the great benefits of the CFC is that you can give through payroll deduction or annuity, giving a little each pay period and supporting our mission all year long.

Federal Retirees and the CFC

Did you know that Federal retirees can now participate in the CFC? Retirees and survivors now have the opportunity to contribute directly through the CFC, including through monthly annuities, to support more than 8,000 CFC approved charities.

Make your pledge today

The Diplomatic Security Foundation participates in the National/International Campaign which means you can make a pledge to DSF via CFC from anywhere in the world. DSF is listed in every CFC catalog in the "National/International Independent Organizations" section. To make your pledge today, visit the CFC website:

CFC Flyer

If you're able to post our CFC flyer - please do so and help us spread the word!

About CFC

CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season  support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. The Director of OPM has designated to the Office of CFC Operations responsibility for day-to-day management of the CFC.
For more info about CFC:
Questions for DSF about the CFC? Please contact us at